Each new project begins with research long before message determination and goals are selected. My process is to successfully give voice to research and content using my experience on a wide array of artistic, historical, scientific, and medical topics for lectures, presentations, exhibitions, interpretation and publications.
Being connected to a network of talented non-profit, small business, government and science field professionals, includes access to curators, researchers, fabricators, technicians, artisans, and marketing professionals.
And as an experienced tribal liaison with fifteen-years of collaborative project work,
I have had the privilege of working on research, content, development and production of numerous projects on both contemporary and pre-historic indigenous subjects of North and South America. My recent projects have included, tribal gender roles, ecology, medicine, health, ethno-historical data in culinary practices, decorative and utilitarian arts and crafts, paleo-climate and tribal sovereignty, including change and adaptation.
Governor Inslee of Washington State recently honored our collaborative work for excellence in educational curriculum development on tribal sovereignty and salmon ecology based on Home In Celilo.

LID Interpretive Panel NC Water Quality Group

Topography Map - Bent Creek Institute

Press Release - Serinac Arts for NW Museum

LID Interpretive Panel NC Water Quality Group
Design and development processes are grounded in the theories and practices of:
· The field of instructional design and development, which advocates the systematic application of learning, research and theory for the development of educational materials and activities to accompany or direct a presentation.
· Collaborative consulting, whereby the client(s) and the developer(s) form a close working relationship, respect and share each other's expertise, and ultimately develop joint ownership for the product -- whether it be an evaluation study, educational plan, or hands-on materials.
· Naturalistic inquiry methodology, a primarily qualitative approach to conducting research and development in exhibitions. Naturalistic inquiry seeks to understand the "how" and "why" questions underlying visitor beliefs, experiences, and behavior.
· Getting it Right: methods, including structured and open-ended interviews, unobtrusive and participant observations, focus groups, written surveys, and timing and tracking studies to determine visitor content retention, understanding, behavioral modification, fun, ease of use, and accessibility.